This midjourney mistakes should be avoided
Jocelyn Hartfield
Last Updated
13 July 2023

20 Common Mistakes Beginners Make in Midjourney

In the world of Midjourney, a popular image-generating AI, beginners often make several mistakes that hinder their progress and limit their artistic potential. In this blog post, we will discuss twenty common mistakes that beginners should avoid to make the most out of their Midjourney experience.

1: Being Afraid of Parameters

A common mistake is being afraid of the various parameters in Midjourney. However, beginners only need to focus on a few essential parameters:

  • AR: Changes the aspect ratio of the image.

  • Chaos: Determines the level of variation in the results.

  • Q: Impacts the quality of the render

  • S: Influences the artistic style of the image

By familiarizing themselves with these four main parameters, beginners can already gain an advantage over 99% of users.

2: Not Understanding the Seed

The seed is a randomly generated number that determines how an image looks. Using the same seed will yield similar images. Beginners should understand the significance of the seed and how it affects their results.

3: Asking for a Text

Midjourney is not proficient in generating text. Beginners are advised to generate images without text and utilize external tools like Photoshop or Canva for text editing.

4: Blindly Copying Others

Blindly copying prompts from others without understanding the underlying concepts will impede learning and growth. Beginners should analyze and comprehend the impact of each word in a prompt to develop their creative skills.

5: Neglecting the Slash Describe Command

The "/describe" command allows users to see images through Midjourney's eyes. By utilizing this command, beginners can gain insights into how Midjourney perceives images, which is crucial for optimizing their creative process.

6: Using the Same Prompts Over and Over Again

Repeating the same prompts limits artistic exploration and growth. Beginners should venture beyond their comfort zones, experiment with new words, subjects, and styles to unlock the full potential of Midjourney.

7: Never Trying Version 4

Midjourney has multiple versions, with Version 5 being the most widely used. However, beginners should not overlook Version 4, as it can sometimes deliver better results in certain situations. Exploring different versions expands the possibilities of artistic expression.

8: Being Afraid to Take Inspiration from Others

Taking inspiration from others is not a bad practice. Famous artists across various domains have used inspiration as a superpower to fuel their creativity. Beginners should embrace the influence of others while adding their own unique touch to create original art.

9: Staying in the Newbie Chat

While the Newbie Chat in the official Midjourney Discord server is a good starting point, beginners should consider creating their own server. This allows them to consolidate their creations in one place and create dedicated channels for different art types, facilitating organized growth.

10: Not Turning on Remix Mode

Remix mode in Midjourney is a powerful tool that enables users to edit prompts and achieve greater control over variations. By activating remix mode, beginners can modify parameters, model versions, aspect ratios, and entire prompts to create complex and detailed compositions.

11: Changing the Prompt Too Much

When fine-tuning an image, beginners should avoid making drastic changes to the prompt. Instead, they should make incremental adjustments by changing a single word or tweaking a specific parameter, preserving the essence of their original vision.

12: Only Using Midjourney

While Midjourney is a powerful AI model, beginners should not limit themselves to just one tool. Exploring other image-generating AI models like Stable Diffusion or Dali can provide new perspectives and insights, fostering growth and expanding creative horizons.

13: Typing Too Fast

Typing hastily can lead to typos and unintended prompts, resulting in wasted time and generated images that don't align with the intended vision. Beginners should take their time, type slowly, and carefully consider each word to avoid unnecessary errors.

14: Not Using Prompt Weights

Prompt weights allow users to prioritize specific words or phrases in a complicated prompt. By assigning higher weights to certain elements, beginners can influence the output and achieve desired artistic effects. Prompt weights provide greater control over the creative process.

15: Lacking the Learning Mindset

Beginners should adopt a learning mindset and embrace opportunities to expand their knowledge. Basic understanding of photography, famous artists, lighting styles, and camera lenses can greatly enhance their Midjourney images. Continuous learning is essential for growth.

16: Not Describing Enough

Writing short and vague prompts often leads to generic results. Beginners should aim for more detailed and specific prompts to generate unique and personalized images. Describing the desired photo, painting, or 3D model along with background details using adjectives can yield more satisfying outcomes.

17: Using Super Long Prompts

Long prompts can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. While experienced users can create impressive art using long prompts, beginners are advised to avoid excessively lengthy prompts. It's essential to strike a balance between providing enough information and avoiding confusion caused by unfamiliar words.

18: Not Using Negative Prompts

Negative prompts can be valuable in certain situations. By excluding specific elements using the "--no" command, beginners can fine-tune their results and achieve the desired output. Negative prompts offer more control and customization possibilities.

19: Using Vague Language

To generate better images, beginners should employ visual and descriptive language instead of vague terms. Using phrases like intricate, melancholic, elegant, and vibrant provides Midjourney with clearer instructions, resulting in more refined and visually appealing compositions.

20: Unrealistic Expectations

Patience is key when using Midjourney. Beginners should understand that becoming proficient takes time and practice. The best Midjourney users have generated thousands of images, and mastery requires consistent effort. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment, so it and's important to stay focused and committed to the journey of improvement.

Wrapping Up

Avoiding these common mistakes will set beginners on a path to unlock their creative potential and maximize their experience with Midjourney. By understanding the parameters, embracing learning, and experimenting with different approaches, beginners can embark on a fulfilling artistic journey.

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